Friday, January 28, 2011


I do not understand how this works; having already attempted, I thought that I'd give it another go, and FAILED.

The interface seems simple, but the major problem that hinders my even wanting to interact with it is that I want to be able to search for actual Tweeters, not just Twitters that mention the reference - so when I enter the State Library of NSW, even going so far as to copy in their Twitter name from the Website, all I get are Tweets with the name in it, not Tweets from that source.
How do I follow a creator? It's a conumdrum wrapped in an enigma.
Accepting this as being my own personal short-coming - the numbers of users of Twitter is enough to convince me of this - is of course no justification for wiping the platform altogether.
This is an important point, it's not about personal preferences, though an interest in anything is obviously going to enhance interaction with it, and its use/deployment.
What does Twitter allow? Harkening back to an earlier post, it resembles Texting uncannily, with the difference that it is to an open audience. As also noted earlier (remember that exhaustive survey?), with a seeming preference for mobile-phones as the hardware of choice, Twitter is ideal for reaching large numbers quickly and succinctly.
This latter may be also considered a fault. The ability to convey in-depth information is greatly inhibited. As a consequence, it is suitable for what it is designed for, brevity.
Though this seems an obvious point to make, there is sometimes a danger that a technology seems so sexy that its suitability may be conflated with its utility.
It may be concluded from this that a library would need to closely consider what it hoped to achieve in its usage of the various platforms on offer, dividing its aspirations according to the functionalities of each platform/mechanism. This having to decide each time what to post and where may be a slight hindrance; perhaps edited versions may be placed in each, which may be a necessary if repetitive task - necessary as each interface is going to attract/be attractive to different people.

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