Monday, November 22, 2010

Online Learning Journal
Monday 22nd November, 2010.
a). What is Social Networking?
It is building relationships with people that transcend the hyper-personal, it is interaction that may be with other like minded individuals, but not necessarily friends in the traditional sense. In the modern context this is seen as occuring primarily in the virtual world.
b). List the social networking technologies and sites that you use.
For work - I don't - unless a landline phone qualifies?
For personal - I'm afraid that I use snail-mail and the land-line again. I don't own a mobile.
For study - this is the only reason. I am now a member on Facebook as of last week - for this subject. I got the internet on so as to be able to study distance ed., from CSU, and so now use email, though strictly this is not social networking. This blog site was originally created for another CSU subject, which wasn't utilised for any other purpose.
I sound like a neanderthal!
c). What do I hope to learn from INF206?
Just because I don't use these technologies doesn't mean that I am disinterested, rather I don't have any need for them within my current lifestyle/work paradigm. Being made to use them may mean that I will incorporate them into what and how I live/do; certainly with a career change envisaged as resulting from having studied this course, I will need to know what it is all about.
I want to know.

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